We care about a cleaner environment and are increasing our efforts to make recycling in your area easier and more convenient.
Customers are provided a cart for recycling and a separate bin for glass. Carts and bins will be picked up on the curb on the same day as your garbage. Be sure to keep the carts at least 3 feet away from the mailbox and also 3 feet away from each other. Cart wheels face away from the road.
We are asking our customers to please “Keep it Clean” and only place items that are found on the recycling guide in the cart. If you are in doubt please find out by calling us or printing the guide below.
*Recycle service is not offered on some private roads or driveways in the County, and some roads that are not well maintained will not have recycle service.*
Type an item into the Waste Wizard below to see if it is recyclable.
If you have a smart phone, you can download the WasteConnect app!